Some responses to Nocturnes: Between Flesh and Stone

Some Responses to Nocturnes: Between Flesh and Stone

This book, your Nocturnes, is just fantastic! It has to be your best or one of your best books, so many wonderful poems in there! In every section. Although, that first section was just a knock-out, poem after poem raising the hairs on my arms. It’s a wow! I was moved and inspired all the way through.

Marsha de la O

I’m loving your new book which helps during this time.. I feel you’ve found a way to integrate your religious experience as a nun into women who’ve gone that route. “Meditation on an Illumination” comes to mind but there are others. The sacred is what binds your book together for me.. I also love how you make colors come alive. I too believe color is alive or maybe gives us life.

Jean Colonomos

My rabbi has been hosting a series on the mystical meaning of eight, in accordance with Chanukah, called the Festival of Lights. We talked of light metaphorically, of course, and the light we hold, and the light we cast. And you have cast your light, in your poems. All I have to do is read them.

Florence Weinberger

I’ve just read A Turn Toward Red and am amazed at how delicately you wove the theme of Covid into the blood of this poem. Reading it and a few others reminds me again how extraordinary and life-giving your work is. I am so happy to be on this sanctified ground again. I feel your lifeblood in these poems and the voice of our ancient angels.

Lois P. Jones

Her book is a shimmering display of light and a search for what matters.

Diane Frank, editor of Blue Light Press

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